Deadly Deception, Exposing the Dangers of Vaccines, a Film by Gary Null

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Jan 30, 2022
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[This thread is from the old forum and the start date was May 29, 2019.]
March 24, 2022—Edit to embed Bitchute video to replace the YouTube video that got censored.

This video is "unlisted" on YouTube. I discovered it on the Progressive Radio Network website.

Gary Null
Uploaded on Jan 17, 2018

There is an epidemic, the likes that we have never seen in the history of this country. One in 6 children in America is learning disabled, one in 9 has asthma, one in 48 are becoming autistic, and millions more are suffering with brain and immune dysfunction, which can not be explained. Children are now exposed to more vaccinations than earlier generations. The number of vaccines is expected to increase dramatically with over 250 new vaccines in the pipeline. While there is an untold number of children and adults that have been injured from vaccines, most Americans remain skeptical of the fact that vaccines can and do cause injury, disability and death.

What will happen when vaccine-injured children, with brain and immune system dysfunction, reach adulthood and are unable to function in society? It is a tremendous cost burden to care for someone with a disability over their lifetime and the American healthcare system is incapable of handling the larger cataclysm that awaits as vaccines become mandated.

Conventional medicine claims that vaccines prevent infectious diseases and are proven to be effective and safe. We are that these diseases can be eradicated if the population is fully vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity.” However, does the science support these claims?

Executive Producer, Gary Null Ph.D.
Directed by Gary Null, Ph.D.
Produced by Valerie Van Cleve
Associate Producer, Richard Gale
Edited by Valerie Van Cleve

Nonprofits & Activism

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Active member
Mar 22, 2022
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" Vaccination is a gigantic illusion: has never saved a single life, .. it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and it's penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficient course of legislation during our century ". - Alfred Russel Wallace (1898)

120+ years later the vax has evolved to a tool of population control. Simply remarkable how much was built from Pasteur bs. Driven hard from the start by monied interests that sought to monetize Bechamp's discoveries that could not be commoditized without altering the fundamentals of these breakthroughs to create a framework to build what we see now as big pharma. Even the CDC skews the stats the way Pasteur did originally. Bechamp's basic and exact conclusions were worthless to the monied interests if not adulterated to create a very profitable narrative.


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Mar 22, 2022
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" Back in 1955 there was already talk of blocking legal action against big pharma vaccines. Vaccines were among the first medical products almost eliminated by lawsuits. Indeed the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was introduced in 1986 to protect vaccine manufacturers from litigation on a scale that threatened the continuing production of vaccines. The vaccine should have died under a mountain of litigation. By legislating this vital function out of existance they artificially interfered with a process that was working fine. Let them die by litigation. Let the penalties bring them down. " - social media post.


Active member
Mar 22, 2022
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" At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them, to kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me the he was well aware of this. He told me the WHO is a front for these depopulation interests. " - Jon Rappoport intervirew with ex-vaccine researcher

Like they say, pharma does not create cures it creates customers.