Suckers. The "Holocaust" is a hoax. Deal with it


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Feb 3, 2022
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I didn't say the newspaper clippings that you posted weren't real however they have been cherry picked to suit an agenda, let's see some other clippings with different figures shall we;


You are seeking proof beyond my ability to give. The only way to know for sure would be to go to the various newspapers mentioned, dig into their archives of old newspapers and actually see the articles in the actual newspapers. The references you give are no better than mine. The only difference is who compiled them. Holocaust supporters or holocaust deniers. But the 6 million number is probably the most important one. As in the one most likely to be used. Because I was reading of an old hebrew prophesy somewhere saying that for the country if israel to formed again and be done so with the authority of god, two things must happen first. One is that they are given a messiah by god, the second thing is that 6 million jews must be burned on ovens. Or words to that effect.


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Feb 3, 2022
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Next the swimming pool.

''There was a swimming pool in Auschwitz, hence it could not have been an extermination camp.

Indeed, a water reservoir in Auschwitz I (the main camp) was converted to a swimming pool which was used by the camp’s staff. Other means of entertainment for the SS personnel existed – a band composed of prisoners, and a brothel (which some prisoners were permitted to use). How this “proves” that Auschwitz was not an extermination center is beyond the author of this''

Poland wasn't a desert. They had lakes and rivers. But most importantly if either of them didn't do the trick, GROUND WATER! There would have been no need of a reservoir. The swimming pool wan nothing other than a swimming pool. One which, as I said, I doubt if the guards would have used. Also, here in the U.S. at the time we had Japanese internment camps. I don't know what steps were taken for the recreation of Japanese prisoners. But if any facilities did exist, do you think that the guards would have used them?


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Feb 3, 2022
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As for the vidoes posted, I'm not watching a narration on a video called ''Become_a_Holocaust_Denier_in_14_Minutes''

On to Hoss, his torture is hearsay, and even if it's true it doesn't mean he was fed a story, but his story is simialr to that of other witnesses.

Nothing you have posted proves that the gas chambers didn't really exist or weren't used to kill deportees to the camps as per the offical narrative. You're coming over as a conspiracy theorist, who has a set agenda, maybe you did become a holocaust denier after watching a video for 14 minutes.

Now tell me how many German soldiers from the WW2 era have denied the holocaust occured? And how many of them worked in any of the camps where the gassing occurred? I bet it will be difficult to even find one that supports your narrative.

Holocaust denial wasn't even a thing until the 1970s and there weren't laws against it before then.

Did you at least watch "The Leutcher Findings?" If you watched that one, you have no excuse to not watch the first one. It, like the second one was presented by a Jew who went by David Cole. As to the third video, they speak in it of a book written by the person who actually tortured the commandant of Auschwitz. In his book he admits that he did so! Granted, I never read the book. But I have no doubt that what was said of it was true. After all, if there were no gas chambers, (and there weren't) what in the hell did the commandant "admit" to in the Nuremberg kangaroo court.

Also, I don't know what Martin Timothy was going on about in post #13. But he did post a number of links having to do with all of the Germans who were slaughtered after WW II. Such as in the Rhine Meadows death camps. How many ex-German soldiers are going to go against the Allied version of things after that kin d of shit. That is, those still left alive. Besides the ones I mentioned, here's another for you. › history › eisenhowers-rhine-meadowsA real holocaust: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps ...


Feb 3, 2022
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You are seeking proof beyond my ability to give. The only way to know for sure would be to go to the various newspapers mentioned, dig into their archives of old newspapers and actually see the articles in the actual newspapers. The references you give are no better than mine. The only difference is who compiled them. Holocaust supporters or holocaust deniers. But the 6 million number is probably the most important one. As in the one most likely to be used. Because I was reading of an old hebrew prophesy somewhere saying that for the country if israel to formed again and be done so with the authority of god, two things must happen first. One is that they are given a messiah by god, the second thing is that 6 million jews must be burned on ovens. Or words to that effect.
The post I made about 7million, 5million 4million numbers about pre WW2 newspaper clippings leaves your 6million figure in the clippings you posted meaningless.


Feb 3, 2022
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Did you at least watch "The Leutcher Findings?" If you watched that one, you have no excuse to not watch the first one. It, like the second one was presented by a Jew who went by David Cole. As to the third video, they speak in it of a book written by the person who actually tortured the commandant of Auschwitz. In his book he admits that he did so! Granted, I never read the book. But I have no doubt that what was said of it was true. After all, if there were no gas chambers, (and there weren't) what in the hell did the commandant "admit" to in the Nuremberg kangaroo court.
Leutcher has been debunked years ago, even by the chemist who analysed his samples, so there's no point me watching a video about him.

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Feb 3, 2022
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Also, I don't know what Martin Timothy was going on about in post #13. But he did post a number of links having to do with all of the Germans who were slaughtered after WW II. Such as in the Rhine Meadows death camps. How many ex-German soldiers are going to go against the Allied version of things after that kin d of shit. That is, those still left alive. Besides the ones I mentioned, here's another for you. › history › eisenhowers-rhine-meadowsA real holocaust: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps ...
I don't take any notice of his posts.

The thing is some German Soldiers from the camps went to prison, once they came out of prison they had until the 1970s to say ''the gas chambers didn't exist'' as there were no holocaust denial laws in Germany until then.

As a comparison there were IRA 'soldiers' falsely imprisoned by the UK, the whole time they were in prison their families were protesting their innocence, eventually they were released on an appeal, and given compensation.

No German soldiers as far as I'm aware nor their families did this, none of them said ''the holocaust didn't happen''.

It makes no sense that even after they got released from jail they didn't say ''there were no gas chambers for killing Jews''.

So unless you can provide evidence that they did then you've lost your argument.

It's ridiculous to think that just because they may have been treated badly in a prison camp that they would never say ''there were no gas chambers'' after their release, so the link you provided even if true has no bearing on that. Thus they didn't deny the existance nor use of the gas chambers even after their release from prison.
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Feb 3, 2022
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The post I made about 7million, 5million 4million numbers about pre WW2 newspaper clippings leaves your 6million figure in the clippings you posted meaningless.

Meaningless? Have you always been a fool? Do you know the actual number of jews who were probably suffering in any article? ZERO! Also, though I was aware of others, I didn't list all of the articles that spoke of 6 million jews suffering in some way. I thought the number of ones I did post would be sufficient. But apparently they aren't for idiots. Also, my articles say what newspapers they appeared in. The ones you show don't. Also, here is another one that apparently take when I posted the others.



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Feb 3, 2022
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Leutcher has been debunked years ago, even by the chemist who analysed his samples, so there's no point me watching a video about him.

Tell me rabbi. What moron debunked Mr Leuchter. He did in fact build the gas chambers that were used to gas many people to death in many states. Also, analysis was done at the Auschwitz "gas chamber" by the Krakow Institute of Forensic Research. They backed up the test results that Mr Leuchter had done. Next, I posted 3 videos and you apparently refuse to look at the first two of them. And the video "The Leuchter Report" talked about far more than just Mr Leuchter. Though if you have nothing better to do than shut your eyes to the truth, don't bother replying to me again. I don't suffer fools gladly.


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Feb 3, 2022
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I don't take any notice of his posts.

The thing is some German Soldiers from the camps went to prison, once they came out of prison they had until the 1970s to say ''the gas chambers didn't exist'' as there were no holocaust denial laws in Germany until then.

As a comparison there were IRA 'soldiers' falsely imprisoned by the UK, the whole time they were in prison their families were protesting their innocence, eventually they were released on an appeal, and given compensation.

No German soldiers as far as I'm aware nor their families did this, none of them said ''the holocaust didn't happen''.

It makes no sense that even after they got released from jail they didn't say ''there were no gas chambers for killing Jews''.

So unless you can provide evidence that they did then you've lost your argument.

It's ridiculous to think that just because they may have been treated badly in a prison camp that they would never say ''there were no gas chambers'' after their release, so the link you provided even if true has no bearing on that. Thus they didn't deny the existance nor use of the gas chambers even after their release from prison.

The allies used both the carrot and the stick. There was much assistance given by the U.S. to Germany in the form of The Marshall Plan. It would have been economic suicide for any German worker to go against the Allied version of events. As for the gas chambers, WATCH THE FUCKING VIDEOS! There were no gas chambers!!!


Feb 3, 2022
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Also, analysis was done at the Auschwitz "gas chamber" by the Krakow Institute of Forensic Research. They backed up the test results that Mr Leuchter had done.
No those researches didn't back Leutcher,

''Modern Holocaust deniers assert that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels of Prussian blue residue in samples of the purported gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. However, Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[6] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.

In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction (Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit. Praca zbiorowa; B. Gallanda, J. Bailer, F. Freund, T. Geisler, W. Lasek, N. Neugebauer, G. Spenn, W. Wegner; Bundesministerium fuer Unterricht und Kultur Wien, 1991). Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the alleged gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the suggested gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters, thus supporting the identification of the gas chambers as correct.[7]''
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Feb 3, 2022
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Meaningless? Have you always been a fool? Do you know the actual number of jews who were probably suffering in any article? ZERO! Also, though I was aware of others, I didn't list all of the articles that spoke of 6 million jews suffering in some way. I thought the number of ones I did post would be sufficient. But apparently they aren't for idiots. Also, my articles say what newspapers they appeared in. The ones you show don't. Also, here is another one that apparently take when I posted the others.

What I'm saying is different numbers to 6million are in newspaper clippings about Jews prior to WW2, so your narrative about 6million as a figure is moot, because in other clippings it says 4million, 5million, and even 7million, it's just that you have chosen to only focus on the 6million narrative and ignore the rest because that suits your holocaust deniers agenda.
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Feb 3, 2022
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I can barely believe that you still accept this holocaust denier's narrative, it's all been debunked many years ago.


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Feb 3, 2022
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No those researches didn't back Leutcher,

''Modern Holocaust deniers assert that Zyklon B gas was not used in the gas chambers, relying as evidence on the low levels of Prussian blue residue in samples of the purported gas chambers found by Fred A. Leuchter, which Leuchter dismissed as the results of general delousing of buildings. However, Leuchter's negative control, a sample of gasket material taken from a different building in the camp, registered as having no such cyanide residue.[6] The manager of the analytical laboratory hired by Leuchter states in an interview in Errol Morris' film Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., that Leuchter's thick samples of brick would have greatly diluted the cyanide residue, which forms only an extremely fine layer on the walls and cannot penetrate.

In 1994, the Institute for Forensic Research in Kraków re-examined this claim on the grounds that formation of Prussian blue by exposure of bricks to cyanide is not a highly probable reaction (Amoklauf gegen die Wirklichkeit. Praca zbiorowa; B. Gallanda, J. Bailer, F. Freund, T. Geisler, W. Lasek, N. Neugebauer, G. Spenn, W. Wegner; Bundesministerium fuer Unterricht und Kultur Wien, 1991). Using more sophisticated microdiffusion techniques, they tested 22 samples from the alleged gas chambers, delousing chambers (as positive controls), and living quarters (as negative controls), finding cyanide residue in both the delousing chambers and the ruins of the suggested gas chambers but none in the ruins of the living quarters, thus supporting the identification of the gas chambers as correct.[7]''

Sounds like you drank the kool aid. Brick is porous as hell. Any residue of Zyklon B would have penetrated deep into the brick. Not just in some thin layer. Also, did you summon up the courage to watch the videos? There is no way in hell that the places they called gas chambers could have been used as gas chambers. Also, there was a person interviewed that actually ran the holocaust memorial museum at Auschwitz. That person said there was no gas chamber there. You also bring up gasket material. There were no gaskets!

Also, in what they call a gas chamber, they show holes that were cut into the roof that is said where the guards dropped Zyklon B. But they were cut into the roof by the Russians after the war to help sell the whole bullshit story. The smokestack they had next to the crematorium was also built by the Russians after the war. It wasn't even connected to the crematorium. Also, you are going to have to do better than bringing up how the story by the Krakow Institute for Forensic Research has change. Much can change with enough jewish money.


Feb 3, 2022
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Brick is porous as hell. Any residue of Zyklon B would have penetrated deep into the brick.
Not according to the chemist that Leutcher comissioned to analyse his samples.

Here you can listen to him tell you that himself. I've set the video at the correct time to help you with it.

No doubt you'll try and tell me he's a Jew or he's giving his evidence under duress of torture.

I've made my point and debunked your so called evidence, and see no value in continuing the discussion, you carry on posting about how there were no gas chambers and ignore the evidence as you wish, this is my last post on the matter as you're arguing about things that I have already proven to be wrong.

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Feb 3, 2022
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Not according to the chemist that Leutcher comissioned to analyse his samples.

Here you can listen to him tell you that himself. I've set the video at the correct time to help you with it.

No doubt you'll try and tell me he's a Jew or he's giving his evidence under duress of torture.

I've made my point and debunked your so called evidence, and see no value in continuing the discussion, you carry on posting about how there were no gas chambers and ignore the evidence as you wish, this is my last post on the matter as you're arguing about things that I have already proven to be wrong.


I don't need to hear anybody's shit. I KNOW! Do you know why it is a bad idea to paint brick? Because you'll never be able to remove it. Why? Because brick is porous as hell. Also, in the video The Leutcher Findings he spoke of having tests done by a chemist. He had the results of the chemical analysis shown. They show what they show. Which is that there was no residue of Zyklon B in the "gas chamber." But in a room where they were known to use Zyklon B to disinfect clothing, the readings were off the chart. So how could the chemist who did those tests come up with different results than the ones he showed. Obviously you prefer to wallow in your own ignorance. That it why you won't watch the first two videos I posted. With that being the case, I hope you don't reply to me again.
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Sep 10, 2024
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As someone who isn't a Holocaust revisionist, denier etc. I've enjoyed reading about the controversies and the implications they have for freedom of speech. For example the Faurisson affair and Chomsky's defence of academic freedom.

It's actually the Armenian genocide I have problems accepting.
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