Why are people afraid of the facts about Jews?


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Mar 22, 2022
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -- A Summary:

01- Place our agents and helpers everywhere
02- Take control of media and use it in propaganda
03- Start fights between different races, classes and religions
04- Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
05- Use freemasonic lodges to attract potential public officials
06- Appeal to successful people's egos
07- Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
08- Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
09- Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
10- Sacrifice people ( including jews sometimes ) when necessary
11- Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
12- Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
13- Rewrite history to our benefit
14- Create entertaining distractions
15- Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
16- Encourage people to spy on one another
17- Keep masses in poverty and perpetual labour
18- Take possession of all wealth, property and ( especially ) gold
19- Use gold to manipulate the markets
20- Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
21- Replace sound investments with speculation
22- Make long-term interest-bearin loans to governments
23- Give bad advice to governments and everyone else
24- Blame the victim


Found this on one of my drives and have no idea who compiled it or why. The " even jews sometimes" and "especially gold" were not in any of my studies of this plan. Although many additional points merit to be included and its always best to have the fullest context to appreciate the subtle inferences like a deeper look at this big picture I think this summary is a good quick reference.

When I first discovered these Protocols was near the start of the internet and then many were calling it an alien plan to conquer humanity. Then cooler minds eventually prevailed. They appeared in the world as electricity was a very new thing. Not sure if it is related or not but they appeared at least in the public mind about when electricity started flowing.

Totally left-brain concoctions of the idle rich and their big ideas. Defying Niccollo Machiavelli's advice concerning biting off more than you can chew and every turn. Wreckless and self destructive and totally unable to moderate their excesses. They spend most their time plotting clever ways to kill the only people able to moderate them. Now they want the whole world to themselves and their slave droids. The Age of Madness.

Funny how it ends thought. Do they have writers scripting out the rest? No backup plan either. Just a pile of rocks in Georgia proudly displaying man's return to the Stone Age. Most the time they don't even want to live in the places they describe as homeland. Never satisfied. Bored to death.


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Jan 25, 2022
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G'day Roastie.

To answer your question ... it all comes down to one word you used in asking your question, "afraid". :thumbup:

The majority of people are "afraid" to admit that they do not know the truth. Whether this is about their indoctrinated religious beliefs or the indoctrination of 'academia' (means trivia, as scholar means observer).

I differentiate two words, faith and belief, in this manner ...

Faith = belief without evidence.
Belief = knowledge based on verifiable evidence.

Only one can be SHOWN to be true !!! :thumbup:

As to the word 'Jew' ... well, which 'Jews' are you talking about?

There are four 'Abrahamic' religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Satanism. Each of which has the same central mythological characters, that is, imaginary friends for adults, with the main two being 'God' and 'Satan'. Each of the four have numerous 'splinter' groups, with Christianity alone having over 38,000 different denominations ... so much for religion bringing people together. :roll:

You may as well ask the question, Why are people afraid of the facts about religion? :thumbup:

The answer is simple, though many will spend their lives running and hiding from the obviousness of it.

That was a helpful post.



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Mar 22, 2022
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Luckily my first exposure to the internet spelled out the jewish question for me. From there everything is put into question. A totally life-changing experience. I can see how it's not popular with people that like their life experience to be as straight forward as possible. I estimate most people know enough about the jews to understand they are very influential and dangerous. Thats all they feel they need to know.

I have gone pretty deep down that rabbit hole. Not for the faint of heart. Especially in the talmud study phase. People have admitted being sickened by reading that.

I think those that follow the path of truth about the jews start seeing the world with new eyes. Like the chairs and tables were moved out of the way and the drapes removed so we see the brick wall.


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Jan 25, 2022
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Luckily my first exposure to the internet spelled out the jewish question for me. From there everything is put into question. A totally life-changing experience. I can see how it's not popular with people that like their life experience to be as straight forward as possible. I estimate most people know enough about the jews to understand they are very influential and dangerous. Thats all they feel they need to know.

I have gone pretty deep down that rabbit hole. Not for the faint of heart. Especially in the talmud study phase. People have admitted being sickened by reading that.

I think those that follow the path of truth about the jews start seeing the world with new eyes. Like the chairs and tables were moved out of the way and the drapes removed so we see the brick wall.
Not sure if you ever saw Adam Green interviewing a Chabad Jew going by the name of Doovid ( or a variation thereof )

Cut a long story short Doovid was very straightforward about how Jews see things.

Essentially , they believe themselves to be in a symbiotic relationship to Europeans.

They get to sit in the Tent at camp and administer laws , taxes and interpret religious texts and so on.

We get to go work on the field , hunt and bring them the goods / food for them to administer.

Its very difficult not to see that kind of relationship as parasitic in nature.

Also , they believe according to their scriptures that they have a more pure soul , closer to God , than everyone else who have souls but which more resemble the souls of beasts.

He went further , the interviews are insightful and blunt.

Also Ive seen some of the Judaic writings in which they gloat about going to make business deals with heads of state and on the way there " luckily " run into a Demon who they convince to help them beguile the head of state to do the will of the Jews.

People can dismiss it as the ramblings of religious madmen but the fact is this kind of material goes completely under the radar of modern Europeans.

Tikun Olam is a relatively unknown saying but translates along the lines of Heal the World. However when you begind to fathom how they envisage the world needs healing , as in , Jews must rule over every aspect of non Jewish life and Amalek ( Europeans ) must be destroyed entirely , then Heal the World takes on an entirely new meaning.

As you say Cactus , its a deep dive topic.


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Mar 22, 2022
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Funny contradiction with those jews. Their tribe is a matrilinealty meaning the bloodline is traced through the females yet every day the orthodox thank god for not being born a goy or a woman.


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Mar 22, 2022
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This is funny, the Movie Kadosh is an Israeli film packed with jew co-bashing. So much so that internet movie database has 0 quotes. Can't find quotes anywhere. I found many and will put them up when I locate them in my old archives. Just to say that jews bashing jews is out there but kept out of public view as much as possible. Can't go broadcasting dissent in the ranks.



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Feb 4, 2025
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Personally I have no problems with Jewish people. What I find peculiar is Israel being included in the Euro football competition and the Eurovision song contest. How is it that a country bordering Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt is considered part of Europe and not the Middle East?